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CTC065-5-WW - Ground Master, Modbus Out

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45 In Stock.


Country Of Origin: USA

Sold Per: EA

Gross Weight2: 0.73 kg

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.



The Ground Master Equipment Ground Monitor can be used to monitor the ground impedance of metal ground connections of process tools in work areas including, but not limited to semiconductor, disk drive, flat panel, and electronic equipment manufacturing environments.


  • Equipment Ground Continuous Monitor
    Continuously monitors the path-to-ground impedance of eight metal tools; meets ANSI/ESD S20.20.
  • Modbus Connectivity
    Provides communication with Static Management Program (SMP). Data collected through SMP includes metal ground impedance and EMI voltage.
  • EMI Monitoring on Metal Grounds
    Alarms if the grounded metal tools have high-frequency noise that could cause electrical overstress (EOS) damage.
  • Calibration Verification
    Use the SCS CTE701 Verification Tester to check the test limits of the Ground Master Monitor without removing it from its workstation
  • NIST Calibrated with Certificate Included
    Calibrated with accepted procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information on the calibration of SCS products, see Calibration.
  • 100-240VAC Power Adapter with Interchangeable Plugs
    Works with standard electrical systems in North America, United Kingdom, Japan, Asia and Europe
  • Assembled in the United States of America with Globally Sourced Materials
    This item is assembled and stocked in Chino, CA.


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  • TB-9114 - CTC065 Ground Master Equipment Ground Monitor - Installation, Operation and Maintenance