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19240-TESTER, WRIST STRAP, 9V BATTERY              

19240 - Wrist Strap Tester, 9VDC Battery

List Price
1 $227.86

9 In Stock.


Country Of Origin: USA

Sold Per: EA

Gross Weight2: 0.23 kg

2The weight listed is gross product weight including standard packaging, actual shipment weight may vary.



  • Portable small package
    Supervisor can use to spot check users on shop floor
  • For use with single wire wrist straps per ESD TR53
    Click here for Desco Asia wrist straps
  • Battery Powered 9 Volt Tester
    No Adapter Needed
  • Test results include Fail Low, Pass, and Fail High
    If wrist strap fails, the operator will know if the failure is too high or too low
  • Test can be performed during normal use at the workstation
    Improved productivity, workers can test without having to leave the workstation
  • Provided with calibration to NIST traceable standards
  • Range: 800 Kilohms - 10 Megohms
  • NIST Calibrated
    Calibrated with accepted procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information on calibration of Desco products, see Calibration

“Compliance verification should be performed prior to each use (daily, shift change, etc.). The accumulation of insulative materials may increase the foot grounder system resistance. If foot grounders are worn outside the ESD protected area testing for functionality before reentry to the ESD protected area should be considered.” (ESD SP9.2 APPENDIX B - Foot Grounder Usage Guidance)

“A log should be maintained which verifies that personnel have tested their personal grounding devices.” (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Paragraph Personnel Grounding Guidance)

“Frequency of Functional Testing: The wrist strap system should be tested daily to ensure proper electrical value. Nominally, the upper resistance reading should be < or = 10 megohms or a user-defined value.” (ANSI/ESD S1.1-2006 Annex A3)

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