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Question Can we choose esd program as part of cost reduction in Kaizen project for printed circuit board assembly? If yes, please advice any simple project I can start for.  

Kaizen or continual improvement programs should often involve the ESD control program. When quality defects occur, many corrective actions will be improvements to the ESD control program to prevent recurrence.

Muda or Waste includes The Seven Wastes Defects, Overproduction, Transportation, Waiting, Inventory, Motion, and Overprocessing.

We recommend using our In Plant Handlers as a kanban system. Just start with the three dimensions of the loaded PCB or other ESD sensitive product to have determined the optimal size In Plant Handler.

In Plant Handlers reduce ESD and physical defects, and can reduce work-in-process inventory as well as eliminating wasteful activities like counting. As a Kaban the In Plant Handler can replace some or all documents. Instead of planners generating work orders, determine how many In Plant Handlers to have on the shop floor and when cells are empty they signal the need to manufacture more of a particular item. Knowing the quantity of cells in the In Plant Handler, one can quickly glance at the number of empty cells and know the count.

For ESD shielding protection, with the lid in place, the In Plant Handler can be moved or shipped outside the ESD Protected Area eliminating the need for ESD shielding bags.

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